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Many people approach us with concerns about having a permanently disappointed or angry facial expression from sagging skin on their forehead. Droopy forehead skin also creates the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and folds in the brow area.

When you relate to these concerns, we recommend a brow lift. Houston native Dr. Oren Paul Mushin and our highly trained medical staff can revitalize your appearance with a brow lift—the result is a fresh, youthful look to enhance your natural beauty. For more information about a brow lift in Houston, connect with our clinic today.

What Is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift is a cosmetic procedure performed by our very own medical professionals in Houston that removes excess skin on your forehead to restore your youthful expression and eliminate your permanent frown. The procedure also eliminates the appearance of sagging skin, fine lines, wrinkles, and folds on your forehead–which is why it is often called a forehead lift.

Why Should I Get a Brow Lift?

There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to cosmetic surgery. That said, our skilled medical team ensures that your brow lift results truly complement and enhance your facial features. When creating a surgical plan for your brow lift procedure, we consider the position of your eyebrows, the amount of excess skin on your upper eyelids, and where your hairline begins. Many of our patients decide to change their hairline simultaneously with their brow lift procedure to restore balance and harmony to their faces. If you are interested in doing the same, call our clinic today.

What Can I Expect During My Houston Brow Lift Procedure?

Dr. Mushin performs brow lifts under anesthesia. The procedure takes approximately three hours, during which Dr. Mushin makes a discreet incision by your ears in an area you can easily cover with your hair.

When you opt for hairline surgery with your brow lift, an incision is made at the front of your hairline or in the middle of your scalp, depending on your goals. Our highly trained cosmetic surgery staff then:

  • Strategically removes excess skin
  • Eliminates fine lines, wrinkles, and skin folds
  • Permanently lifts your eyebrows to a more youthful position

Following your forehead lift procedure, our surgical team in Houston recommends keeping your head elevated and avoiding excessive physical activity. To ensure a smooth recovery, we provide specific instructions on taking care of yourself.

Generally, we recommend not applying excessive force, ice, or heat to your incisions. You may also need to schedule a follow-up appointment after the two-week recovery period, so our team can remove your sutures or staples.

Houston Brow Lift Results: What to Expect

Once healed (usually after a couple of months), you can enjoy the full effects of your brow lift procedure: a smoother, tighter forehead, reduced fine lines or wrinkles, and a transformed hairline. Following these guidelines ensures your results last:

  • Hydrate adequately
  • Avoid the sun and always wear SPF
  • Have a good skincare routine
  • Attending any scheduled follow-up appointments
  • Enhancing your results with periodic dermal fillers or skin resurfacing

When you care for your results by following the guidance of our expert medical team in Houston, you can enjoy your brow lift forever.

Revitalize Your Face With A Brow Lift in Houston

When you want to address the signs of aging on your forehead, a brow lift could be the ideal procedure for you. The surgery can help you eliminate the most visible signs of aging on your face, such as fine lines, wrinkles, or folds.

Contact our expert medical team today to discover how the brow lift in Houston can transform your face, turn back the clock, and restore your confidence.

Client showcasing Tummy Tuck results with a cropped top, posing confidently. Face is not visible, holding a phone in the left hand.
Client showcasing remarkable results, highlighting the successful outcome of a transformative procedure.
Client posing confidently in a bikini, face not visible, showcasing the successful results of a cosmetic procedure with a focus on body transformation.
A satisfied female client showcasing the after results of the procedure, highlighting the positive outcome and transformative effects.
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