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Gravity is a relentless force in our world. Breasts are often be one of the earliest manifestations of this reality. There are several other factors that are associated with breast sagging, or ptosis. These include weight changes, previous pregnancy, hormonal changes, and aging. Those women who desire a more youthful or “perkier” breast may be candidates for breast lift surgery in Houston. Dr. Mushin offers several breast surgery techniques to help patients achieve their goal.

What are the options in breast lifts (mastopexies)?

The type of lift performed varies with the patient’s breast anatomy. This includes amount of breast tissue present, how much the breasts sag, overall body size, and patient goals. In general, incision options include:

  • Donut: This incision is placed on the outer border of the areola. It is used when there is only a small amount of breast ptosis (sagging).
  • Vertical popsicle: This incision type runs along the outer border of the areolar and then runs vertically down the breast tissue. This incision type is often used when there is a moderate amount of breast ptosis (sagging).
  • Anchor or Inverted T: This incision runs along the outer border of the areolar, vertically down the breast tissue, and along the crease under the breast. It is often used when there is a moderate to severe amount of breast sagging (ptosis).

Dr. Mushin can help you understand which breast lift option would be best for you during your initial consultation at our Houston surgery center.

Can I combine a breast lift with an augmentation?

Some women who are considering a breast lift may also desire larger breasts. A combined lift and augmentation may be possible in one or two stages. After a consultation, Dr. Mushin will advise you whether a combination of these two procedures would be beneficial and, if so, whether they can be done in one stage.

What is the recovery process like?

The length of recovery varies with the type of lift performed, and whether an augmentation was done at the same time. During your consultation, Dr. Mushin will outline your recovery process. In general, the process will follow a similar course:

  • Day of Procedure: Breast lift surgery in Houston generally lasts approximately 3 hours. They are often performed as outpatient procedures. Depending on the type of surgery, you may have a surgical bra or bandages on your breasts. These should remain in place until removed in the office. You will be given prescription pain medicine for any potential discomfort.
  • Second Day: You will be seen in the office, and your dressings will be changed.
  • First Week: You should avoid strenuous activities, slowly easing into lighter activity. Swelling and bruising are common during this period.
  • Subsequent Weeks: Most patients have returned to their normal work and activities at the end of the second week. Strenuous activity should be avoided for four to six weeks. Time to final breast shape will vary with type of operation, but often by four weeks a near-final appearance is apparent. Scars will continue to mature over the course of 6 months to a year.

Consider Calling to Schedule a Houston Breast Lift Surgery

Houston-raised Dr. Oren Paul Mushin is a fully-trained, highly-skilled plastic surgeon whom you can trust with your care. Educated at Duke University, one of the top medical schools in the country, and trained in New York, he brings with him extensive knowledge of cosmetic surgery to Texas. Above all, he is caring with his patients, and meticulous in his approach. Call us today to make an appointment to learn more about breast lift surgery in Houston. We look forward to hearing from you!

Client showcasing Tummy Tuck results with a cropped top, posing confidently. Face is not visible, holding a phone in the left hand.
Client showcasing remarkable results, highlighting the successful outcome of a transformative procedure.
Client posing confidently in a bikini, face not visible, showcasing the successful results of a cosmetic procedure with a focus on body transformation.
A satisfied female client showcasing the after results of the procedure, highlighting the positive outcome and transformative effects.
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